VeePN is an amazing VPN extension which protects your anonymity and lets you go where-ever you wish to go. Should you actually use it? Let’s find out!

Setting the Stage: The Importance of Online Privacy and Security:

In today’s digital age, where our lives are intricately woven into the fabric of the internet, the need to safeguard our online privacy and security has never been more crucial. With every click, swipe, and keystroke, we leave behind a digital footprint that can be tracked, monitored, and exploited by various entities, from cybercriminals to government surveillance agencies.

With systems like Pegasus spyware we definitely need to use VPNs to protect us.

“The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards.” – Gene Spafford

Introducing VeePN: An Overview of the VPN Service Provider

Amidst this landscape fraught with privacy concerns and cybersecurity threats, virtual private network (VPN) services have emerged as a beacon of hope, offering users a means to reclaim their online anonymity and protect their sensitive data from prying eyes.

Among the sea of VPNs, VeePN is something I liked because it wasn’t pushy with the ads in their free version, the other VPN services are full of inappropriate ads.

“Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn’t be the price we accept for just getting on the internet.” – Gary Kovacs

Understanding VPNs: A Primer

At its core, a virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that enables users to establish a secure and encrypted connection to the internet, thereby shielding their online activities from surveillance, censorship, and cyber threats.

By routing their internet traffic through a remote server operated by the VPN provider, users can obfuscate their IP address and encrypt their data, effectively anonymizing their online presence and safeguarding their sensitive information from unauthorized access.

“Using encryption on the internet is the equivalent of arranging an armored car to deliver credit card information from someone living in a cardboard box to someone living on a park bench.” – Gene Spafford

About VeePN:

VeePN boasts a vast and diverse server network strategically spread across numerous locations worldwide. With servers spanning continents, users can enjoy lightning-fast connections and seamless access to geo-restricted content from virtually anywhere on the globe.

For many users, the ability to stream their favorite content and engage in peer-to-peer file sharing activities is a key consideration when choosing a VPN.

In our evaluation of VeePN, we found that it not only supports popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+, but also offers robust support for torrenting and P2P file sharing.

I have done two tests for testing the speed of the extension. I am using Edge as the browser of choice.

This is the speed with the extension turned off. I cannot show you my exact location.

Then this is the speed with the extension turned on.

So, as you can see, they have a cap on the free version of the extension. If you buy you will get better speeds and more privacy.

Security and Privacy: VeePN’s Commitment

When you connect, their service gives you a new anonymous IP address from the pool of 2,500+ servers scattered across 89 locations. So, instead of your real IP that can tell a lot about both your online and real-life persona, all the prying eyes see is a public IP with thousands of connected devices.

There is no way to connect a certain online activity to a specific person; you are safely lost in this sea of IPs! A new IP will also protect your financial data, browsing history and online activity from inquisitive eyes. Besides, it will allow you to access all the content you like anywhere, anytime.


The pricing isn’t bad if you opt for the 24-month plan, but I doubt anybody would like to commit for that long. Therefore, I would suggest you take the trial and then choose according to your requirements.


VeePN is a great extension and I have been using it for some years, I have used the free version and I quite like it, it connects quickly without any ads. If you want to do something serious then I would suggest you buy the paid service.

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